‘Teaching, sharing knowledge about ceramics, is something I love. It helps people open up to their capabilities. Many people don’t get to use their hands in the act of making things, or their eyes to really look at things. When you’re taught to make something from a lump of stuff that has no form of its own into an article with shape and colour there is a transformation in some people when they realise that they made this thing. This is a wonderful thing for a teacher to see. I like seeing that. And, so I teach. Besides there’s not enough potters in the world.’

When not working, fishing or teaching term classes at Canberra Potters Chris regularly teaches workshops in the ACT, NSW and across Australia. He specialises in flatware, stoneware, tableware, glaze and has a particular passion for teapots. Contact Chris by clicking the button below to discuss workshop ideas for your group.

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Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more or create your own dinner set. Learn to create and develop your own tableware with a master potter.

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Create well designed and functional teapots over a three day weekend. Learn to create teapot bodies, well designed and functional spouts that won’t drip and handles to suit the teapot size and design.


Firing the Gas Kiln

Firing the gas kiln is a tricky and exciting skill opening the door to reduction effects in your work. Learn the fundamentals of firing and glazes for high fired work and participate in a gas firing experience.

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Create I Make I Repeat I Cups

Delve into the world of the production potter. Learn how to create a cup form, develop and refine these and then repeat the form to create consistent, ‘matching’ cups. For potters looking to expand their skills and make consistent well resolved forms.


Glazing for beginners

Want to learn more about creating your own glazes?Chris will introduce you to the fundamentals of creating a glaze and teach you how to make basic line and triaxial blends, analyse the results and direct you where to go next in your exploration.



Raku is a low firing process dating back to the 16th century. In this workshop Chris will talk about designing ceramic forms as a canvas for raku glazes and introduce participants to the process of raku firing. This workshop can be tailored to your group’s level of experience.

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Got an idea for a workshop?

Chris has over forty years experience in ceramics and pottery. Maybe you have a specific idea of what you’d like to learn. Chris will work with you and your group to tailor a workshop to meet your interests and needs. Contact him directly to discuss ideas.

